Tester Image

Majin Tester 1.3 (魔人)

Hello Everyone!

I’ve decided to make this psychic practice tool for myself, and I figured I should share it with you all here. It is called “Majin Tester.” At this time, it only includes one exercise, which is a pool of practice targets.

I made the program to test DVRV, or Direct Vision Remote Viewing. This basically involves remote viewing without the aid of any template—pure perception without training wheels. I hope you find this program worth investigating!

Here is the .exe (sorry, it is only available for Windows at the moment) – GitHub

WARNING: I’ve noticed Windows Defender erroneously thinks my program is a virus. I’ve heard this is a knee-jerk reaction from antivirus software because it’s a new program and not in any Microsoft database. I did not program a virus into this software; I have no idea how to do that. If you get a virus warning, just tell your antivirus software to ignore the warning when you install it. I’ll work on getting my program into a certified database in the future so this doesn’t happen anymore.

You can use these practice targets to test your remote viewing skills! Feel free to do a full remote viewing session with the resources and templates provided here and then open the program. After installation, when you open the program you’ll be presented with an initial image.

Press the spacebar to start, and one of 50 randomized images will be displayed on the screen. Your goal is to successfully remote view the image that appears on the screen before you hit the spacebar. If you need a new image, simply press the spacebar again!

Once you get good with the SRV template and can successfully remote view some of the images from the pool of 50, try pushing the envelope.

Here’s my challenge: meditate much longer than the minimum 20 minutes. Try for an hour or more, and then attempt to directly remote view the image without any template. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you did it correctly if you’re only picking up colors and shapes. That’s fantastic progress, but don’t be satisfied with acceptable results. We want to become all that we are meant to be and more!

Your remote viewing skills will likely start with fuzzy visuals, but a truly clear mind can perceive at a resolution that would put an 8K television to shame. Believe in yourself and pursue greatness that would rival superheroes in comic books.

Only once in my life have I had remote viewing visuals that rivaled a 4K television, and that was after being in a meditative trance for over 5 hours. The next remote viewing session I did after that experience was jaw-dropping. I couldn’t believe how well the data flowed. I have yet to put in the work to normalize that level of data since then, but now things are changing.

I want to be more powerful. I need to push my limits and become more than anything I’ve ever dreamed of, and that comes from practice and experimentation.

So practice with me, my friends! Together, we will usher in a new age for the human race—a psychic age—where the power of mind and spirit dictates the very fabric of the reality we choose to share!

Pursue psychic abilities, passivity is death.

